Get in Touch

Get in touch with one of our BedBooka experts. We would love to come view your property in person or alternatively provide you with an expert and detailed appraisal based on your property in comparison to similar properties in the market.

Got questions for the BedBooka team or just want to chat?
Reach out to us directly!

Telephone a BedBooka Team Member

+64 21 021 86652

Email Rex:

Email Matt:


  • BedBooka is here to make the listing and management process easy and painless. We take everyday homes and turn them into exceptional guest experiences which offer a fantastic return to the owner.

  • We take guest vetting to the next level. When it comes to the security of our owners properties we are ensuring that every guest is vetted and accounted for using the latest technology. BedBooka prides itself on giving taylored advice for your unique property to ensure every precaution has been taken to keep it safe.

  • From listing on multiple channels to capture the largest audience, to ensuring you are getting the maximum return from your asset - our team is in place and ensuring the systems are in place to maximise your returns whilst removing any of the potential owner or guest issues.

    We’re friendly, approachable and available.